In our previous article, 5 things SME’s gain from leveraging the cloud, we talk about key benefits that you can gain by moving to a cloud-based platform. One of those items is Resilience. Hugely important for any business, but especially a small or medium-sized business (SME), where any interruption could lead to catastrophic outcomes.

If you are on the cloud or considering moving to the cloud, then ‘resilience’ is something that you should be getting from your cloud hosting service and provider.

Firstly, what do we mean by ‘resilience’ when we refer to cloud hosting?

Being resilient is the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult, and sometimes catastrophic conditions. In terms of cloud hosting, this means the server has the ability to both recover and continue operations without systems connected to the network going down, stopping their function, or losing their operational capabilities. This is likely to be due to an unplanned event.

  1. Adapt and recover
    Your cloud hosting solution should have the ability to adapt to technical issues such as platform, network, software, and hardware faults. Not only this, but it should happen with minimal impact on your business, keeping business running as usual and avoiding any form of service loss. Essentially it can react to failure and remain functional
  2. Protection from cyber-attacks and security breaches
    According to the Official Statistics Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2021, “Four in ten businesses (39%) and a quarter of charities (26%) reported having a cyber security breach or attack in the last 12 months. Among the 39 percent of businesses and 26 percent of charities that identify breaches or attacks, one in five (21% and 18% respectively) end up losing money, data, or other assets. One-third of businesses (35%) and four in ten charities (40%) report being negatively impacted regardless, for example, because they require new post-breach measures, have staff time diverted or suffer wider business disruption.”So, you can see that cyber-attacks and security breaches are very real and could be just around the corner for your business. Shouldn’t you do everything you can to protect your employees and their data? When it comes to a cyber-attack, you should stop thinking if we get attacked and more when will we be attacked. Your cloud hosting solution must have sufficient security in place to be able to fight off attacks and reduce the risk of a data breach. Data stored in the cloud has an added layer of protection through data encryption. Due to a broad set of policies, technologies, controls, and expert technical skills, the cloud achieves a level of security that most organisations cannot. This in turn is increasing your protection when an attack or breach comes.

How do you ensure your cloud hosting is resilient?

We mentioned that not all cloud hosting solutions are built the same. Resilience needs to be considered and factored into your cloud hosting solution. Some businesses may need more than others and some may need certain systems more secure than others. All businesses are structured differently, work differently, and have several factors to consider like remote workers, number of workers, external customer-facing systems, internal systems, integrated systems, etc.  Therefore, your cloud solution needs to be catered to match your business resilience needs. Picking the right cloud hosting solution is key.

Gain resilience with HAYNE.Cloud

This is where HAYNE comes in. We are a UK-based Microsoft Azure Gold Partner and offer a fully managed cloud hosting solution; which is powered by Microsoft Azure, a leading cloud hosting solution. Microsoft Azure has over 90 compliance offerings (the best in the market) and invests over $1 billion in security each year.  This is why we chose Azure as our cloud solution.

As a Gold Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP), our UK-based team is certified, trained, and experienced in helping companies like yours implement a resilient Microsoft Azure cloud hosting solution. Working closely with you we can identify your needs, map out your journey and implement and maintain your precious business systems on the cloud.

To ensure maximum resilience we can assess the security and compliance of all your cloud resources, including servers, storage, SQL, networks, applications, and workloads that are running in Azure or on-premises. We can then perform ongoing assessments and deliver rich, actionable insights and reports to help simplify compliance and keep security high.

As an extension of your IT Team, the team of cloud experts can ensure the safety of your data and your customer’s data so that you don’t have to.

Take the next step towards Resilience…