Microsoft Viva

Microsoft Viva is a platform that focuses on employee experience and well-being. It’s meant to help companies give their employees the tools and resources they need to be more productive and engaged, while also promoting a culture of learning and growing all the time.

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Microsoft Viva-min

The Future of Employee Experience

Microsoft Viva is, at its core, a digital workplace that works with other Microsoft products and services to give employees a smooth experience.


A personalised dashboard that brings together all your work apps and communication tools in one place. 


A set of analytics tools that provide insights into employee well-being, productivity, and engagement.


A learning platform that provides employees access to various courses and training materials.


An AI-powered platform that automatically surfaces relevant information and resources to employees based on their roles and interests. 


Integrations with other Microsoft Products and Services Microsoft Viva integrates with other Microsoft products and services such as Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Yammer, to provide employees with a seamless digital workplace experience.

It also integrates with Microsoft Power Platform, which allows organisations to build custom workflows and automate business processes. 


Microsoft Viva and Creating a Seamless Digital Workplace

Microsoft Viva is the future of employee experience and well-being, and it’s designed to help organisations provide their employees with the tools and resources they need to be successful. With its robust set of features and integrations with other Microsoft products and services, it’s a platform that can help organisations create a seamless and productive digital workplace for their employees. And with the help of a Microsoft Gold Partner like, organisations can confidently implement Microsoft Viva and other Microsoft products and services, knowing they have the expertise and support they need to succeed.